Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Welcome our New Member, Steve Rothgeb

Please welcome our new member, Steve Rothgeb of New York. Steve's email is

Steve says:

"I used to have a full, rich life. I loved my career as a working chef and was finally getting the money that my skill and talent deserved when...all hell broke loose! I had an injury on the job that "required" a back surgery. So, in 7/96 I had my 1st back surgery--I felt better almost immediately and was soon up and walking. After 6 weeks I was cleared for work; I would have gone back regardless--I had gone into debt waiting for Worker's Comp to "kick-in". After the surgery, it was mildly suggested that I find some other work...I barely took note as I was making very good money for this area of New York State [ ADK- Lake Placid]. P/T was never mentioned and work I did! The owners of the business replaced me with 3 people, and he wanted to get rid of all 3 when I got back [really, I'm not out to blow my own whistle!]. I lasted 18 months back on the job...3 months prior to my 2nd bout with back pain--I begged the mgt to put me on hourly vs. salary pay. However, it was already too late. So, I'm out of work again...

I saw Dr's who disagreed on my diagnosis...some said I needed surgery--some did not. I suffered through epidurals [1 of which was a bloody tap!] and other invasive procedures [something called a discogram really stood out as being especially cruel and unusual].

I did some research on AA and was horrified! One Dr. likened it to being worse than what a terminal cancer patient has in terms of pain, adding that for the cancer patients that is temporary--it ends with death! We, the AA people do not have that escape...that is not for a while.

I'm worse off now than ever! In the winter I hardly leave my warm HUD apt...I go out for Dr's visits and to the food shopping if I can't find someone else to help me. And now, even in the summer--I do these few small errands daily, and when I'm back home [a half hour later]--I'm exhausted! I'm also in constant stress because of money friends to speak of and in constant mind-blowing pain...WC just denied me a decent settlement, SS delayed and denied me until a time limitation kicked in--so, now there is no chance of getting any outside help! I can't even clean my little apt...and I am depressed as can be as pain is my only friend [or so it would seem]. I'm getting worse and no one seems to care...and with the AA, I've been getting secondary problems with my health.

Anywho--there's more but I've been sitting far too long to really go into everything--please write back... Seriously, I hope to forge some contact with the humans....I sorely miss them!"

(Steve's story has been abbreviated due to space issues)

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