Tuesday, June 30, 2009

John Yurechko - New Member

Please welcome John Yurechko of Virginia. John is 61 and has Arachnoiditis. John welcomes your contact and you may email him at John.Yurechko@gmail.com.

John's story: "I was diagnosed with arachnoiditis two months ago. I had back surgery in June 2008 for stenosis. The stenosis pain was taken care of, but approximately one month after the surgery I developed pain in glutes, hamstrings and calf muscles. I am still trying to come to grips with this; I am devastated. I did not understand some os the terminology in the article and some of the medicines (e.g. "N-Kinnase, high dose omega 3, hgh releaser (not enhancer, not a steroid), reservatrol, Robaxin." And to ask the obvious question, if this "cure" is working for you, why haven't other sufferers and doctors aware of it? Many thanks!"

Input from LWA:

John, you refer to Karen Kovacik's personal treatment and her personal bio (versus any recommendation by LWA). Karen is on a recovery path and will be in treatment long term. Her alternative route is aimed at an autoimmune system problem, not structural spine issues. It is accurate to term Karen's treatment as a "recovery path" versus "cure."

Karen's physican is an ACAM versus AMA physician and treatment is geared at helping Karen's body stop building scar tissue. Karen's protocol is undergoing rigorous examination at this time and an article will be published as to why Karen's treatment is working for her. Once the research and articles are complete, they will be posted for access by anyone that wishes to review them. The "traditional" medical establishment, as a whole, is not well versed in alternative care nor has the treatment of arachnoiditis been approached as an autoimmune disorder.

There is one study, referenced in Karen's bio, that shows a patient successfully reducing epidural fibrosis (scar tissue) by 50% over a three year period should readers wish to access it. There is also a video available on the research page on IV ascorbic acid which should really catch readers attention as to why intravenous ascorbic acid makes any difference whatsoever. We suggest interested readers access the information to better understand "why" Karen's treatment may be working for her.

Karen's treatment is her personal path and LWA does not endorse any single treatment.


1 comment:

  1. John I tried to send you an email because my husband and you seem to have a similar scenario but the email did not go through. Do you have another email address. I used John.Yurechko@gmail.com You can contact me at fivenich@comcast.net
    Hope to hear from you, Donna
