Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Donna Tomczek - new member

Please welcome Donna Tomczek as a new member. Donna is from California and is 63. She has been diagnosed with arachnoiditis. Donna welcomes your email.

You may email Donna at: dtomczek@cox.net

Donna's story:

"Where do I start? I was diagnosed with Arachnoiditis in 1989 before PCs and the internet were common household products. At the time, NORD had very little information and reported fewer than 500 sufferers. The only support available was through a mailed newsletter from AISN, the Arachnoiditis Information and Support Network, which stopped due to lack of funds.It would take thousands of words to explain why I am now trying to find more information and support. Suffice it to say that I have not had the means nor the ability to use the resources available until now.I am fortunate to have an excellent pain management team that has kept me going since 1996, and I credit that team with having saved my life. However, with the lack of funds, time, etc., the medical world seems to have left information and resource gathering up to the patient. If we're lucky, we receive adequate medication and occasional counselling, but little else. I am tired of knowing as little as I do when there might be something other than my current regimen that might help me to live a better life.How do I start when there are more than 12,200 articles available? I am relatively new to computers, and am unable to sit for hours going through the good, bad, and ugly - not to mention inaccurate - information that I have seen so far. Could you recommend a course of action that will bring me up-to-date on this disease, research, treatment, and other need-to-know information? I would appreciate any and all assistance you can give me. Many thanks, Donna"

Welcome, Donna!


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