Saturday, April 18, 2009

For Richard Cassidy


I've tried to email you twice and your email is bouncing. Please email and let me know if I may add your first email in edited form to our blog?

Thank you,

Karen Kovacik

1 comment:

  1. Dear LWA Members,

    I hope this finds you all well. I have tried emailing all of you with your email addresses posted on the members site and I have had over 6 different members come back as undeliverable. I would love to start emailing everyone, but we must have good addresses if you want to receive our messages. Please update your email addresses if you wish to continue in our group. I realize we have not had the correspondence with you that you might have expected, and I apologize for that. We are currently getting the website updated and closer to having constant connection with all our members. Please feel free to contact me anytime and I will respond. Thank you for your patience, and I hope you are all having a beautiful weekend.
    Hugs and Prayers, Cindy Hellman, Co-Founder LWA
