Sunday, March 22, 2009

Improvement with Natural Immune System Support

We have received several emails this last week showing an interest in one of our co-founder's treatment approach.

Through weekly IV vitamin C combined with magnesium treatments, one of our co-founders has gone from having to be fairly sedentary back to an active lifestyle. The therapy began in November 2008 and continues today. The co-founder is walking 6.7 miles 3-4 times a week, mountain biking, snorkeling, swimming, fishing and over 95% of nerve pain in legs is gone. This is tremendous. The best part of all is it is all natural and most of the items are available at a vitamin store or even a store like Walmart.

Anyone wishing more information, please email us and we will get back to you. We highly suggest taking the information to your primary care provider.

Keep the hope folks!


  1. There was no email address provided for those wishing more information about this treatment, therefore I'm hoping that you will see this blog comment. Please email the information to . Thank you.

  2. Thank you. We have responded to you directly!
